L'Art tout contre la machine

« Contes d’été virtuels. Le surcyclage de la vidéosphère dans Roman National », in L’Art tout contre la machine


Edited by Rodolphe Olcèse & Vincent Deville, Hermann, 2021.




Through twenty contributions from researchers and artists, L’art tout contre la machine invites us to reflect on the mediation of technology in our relationship to the world as contemporary artistic practices sketch out its meaning. It is divided into three parts, which weave numerous links between them: “Technique and nature”; “Relational interfaces and generative devices” and “User-friendly tools and domestic machines”. The objectives are multiple: to question works and artistic procedures for their capacity to put in evidence the incidences of the machinic devices on our environments of existence; to make appear the filiations of devices of creation a priori heterogeneous by questioning the circulations between various regimes of technicity; to put in relief finally the political and artistic range of a convivial comprehension of the tools of creation and the specificity of the relation to the technique which underlies it.