
The Mechanics of Fluids

Documentary essay (film and video installation). France/Spain, 2022, 38 min, color.


In 2018, an incel (i.e., an involuntary celibate) posts a suicide note on the Reddit platform with the title “America is responsible for my death.” The Mechanics of fluids is an attempt to find answers to his words. A virtual drift on the Internet in search of his digital traces that ends up being an inner journey between two connected solitudes.


Download the presskit (in French)




Production: L’Heure d’été (Lucas Le Postec, Thibault de Gantes et Ninon Chapuis) & After Social Networks

Script and direction: Gala Hernández López

Editing: Alberto Dexeus and Gala Hernández López with the collaboration of Aleix Fernández

Animation: Claudia Martín

Sound design: Mélia Roger

Grading: Aurore Toulon

Mixing: Charli Masson

Graphics and poster: Esteve Padilla (131gd)

Project supported by the Doctoral School Science, Aesthetics and Technologies of Art (EDESTA, University of Paris 8), the EUR ArTeC and the CNC – DICRéAM.

Streamed on Tënk, Mediapart, Universciné and Filmin.





  • FIFIB Festival International du Film Indépendant de Bordeaux – Contrebande Competition, France, October 2022
  • DOK Leipzig International Film Festival – International Short Film Competition, Germany, October 2022
  • SEMINCI Valladolid – Tiempo de Historia Competition, Spain, October 2022
  • Ciné-rencontre at Cinémas Les Lobis, Blois, France, November 2022
  • Kasseler DOKfest, Germany, November 2022
  • Alcine Festival de Cine de Alcalá de Henares – National Short films Competition, Spain, November 2022
  • Beijing International Short Film Festival, China, November 2022
  • Doc. Berlin Film Festival, Germany, December 2022
  • Stuttgarter FilmWinter Festival for Expanded Media, Germany, January 2023
  • Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival, France, January 2023
  • Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, USA, February 2023
  • Brussels Independent Film Festival, Belgium, February 2023
  • IBAFF, Spain, February 2023
  • Festival La première fois, France, March 2023
  • École Normale Supérieure (ENS), France, March 2023
  • Festival Vidéoformes, France, March 2023
  • Cinéma du Réel, France, March 2023
  • University of Bournemouth, UK, March 2023
  • Festival Internacional de cine de Cartagena de Indias FICCI, Colombia, March 2023
  • Doc.London Documentary Film Festival, UK, March 2023
  • Filmoteca Regional, Murcia, Spain, March 2023
  • D’A Film Festival, Spain, March 2023
  • Athens Film and Video Festival, USA, April 2023
  • Il Varco Short Film Festival, Italy, April 2023
  • Ghent Viewpoint Documentary Film Festival, Belgium, April 2023
  • Filmoteca de Cartagena, Spain, April 2023
  • IndieLisboa, International Competition, Portugal, April-May 2023
  • Film Forum, HBK Braunschweig, Germany, May 2023
  • Gran Lux, Saint-Etienne, France, May 2023
  • Doc. Sydney, Australia, May 2023
  • Dunhuang Animation Festival, China, May 2023
  • Athens Digital Arts Festival, Greece, May 2023
  • NECS Conference, Kunstnereshus Oslo, Norway, June 2023
  • Olhar de Cinema, Brazil, June 2023
  • Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos, Argentina, June 2023
  • French Society of Information and Communication Sciences Annual Conference, France, June 2023
  • Festival du Film court en plein air de Grenoble, France, June 2023
  • International Festival Signes de Nuit Bangkok, Thailand, July 2023
  • Visiones del Futuro, Argentina, August 2023
  • Concorto Film Festival, Italy, August 2023
  • Festival de Cine Experimental de Bogotá, Colombia, August 2023
  • Flickers Rhode Island International Film Festival, USA, August 2023
  • Venice Film Week, Italy, August 2023
  • Visible Evidence Conference, Italy, September 2023
  • Arts Santa Mònica, Spain, September 2023
  • Tirana Film Festival, Albania, September 2023
  • Busan International Video Art Festival, South Korea, September 2023
  • Shorts México, Mexico, September 2023
  • Ducato Prize Exhibition, Italy, September 2023
  • La Vivalità! Cinéma documentaire, France, September 2023
  • Equinoxio Film Festival, Colombia, October 2023
  • Tisff – Thess International Short film Festival, Greece, October 2023
  • EDOC, Ecuador, October 2023
  • B3 Festival of the moving image, Germany, October 2023
  • ASUFICC Festival Internacional de Cine Contemporáneo de Asunción, Paraguay, October 2023
  • ULTRACinema, Mexico, October 2023
  • Lima Alterna, Peru, October 2023
  • Amsterdam Independent Film Festival, Netherlands, October 2023
  • Cineteca Madrid, Spain, October 2023
  • Scène Nationale de Saint-Nazaire, France, October 2023
  • Viva Villà! La Gaîté Lyrique, France, October 2023
  • GRRL HAUS Berlin, Germany, October 2023
  • International Festival Signs of Night Berlin, Germany, November 2023
  • Escales Documentaires, France, November 2023
  • Aux écrans du réel, France, November 2023
  • Aesthetica Short Film Festival, UK, November 2023
  • Rencontres ArTeC, Maison des Métallos, France, November 2023
  • Centro Cultural de España en México, Mexico, November 2023
  • MuMaBox, MuMa Le Havre, France, November 2023
  • FIFAM Amiens Film Festival, France, November 2023
  • Spectacle Theater Brooklyn, USA, November 2023
  • Festival RIZOMA, Spain, November 2023
  • CICA Museum Perspectives 2024 Exhibition, South Korea, Jan-Feb 2024
  • Ciné Club Image et Parole, Le Grand Action, February 2024
  • We Art Open Worldwide, No Title Gallery, Venice, Italy, February 2024
  • Doc.Coimbra, Portugal, March 2024
  • Ciné Club Tonnerre, Majestic Bastille, March 2024
  • Aesthetica Art Prize Exhibition, York Art Gallery, Feb-April 2024
  • Punto de Vista – Festival International de Cine Documental de Navarra, Spain, March 2024
  • La Casa Encendida, Spain, March 2024
  • Tabakalera, Spain, May 2024
  • Festival Mucho Más Mayo, Spain, May 2024
  • Winnipeg Underground Film Festival, Canada, May 2024
  • Muestra Internacional Documental de Bogotá, MIDBO, Colombia, November 2024




  • Grand Prix of the Contrebande Competition – FIFIB
  • Best Short Film Director of all Competitions by France Télévisions – FIFIB
  • Best Short Film of the Contrebande Competition by BrefCinema – FIFIB
  • Best Short Film of the Documentary Competition – SEMINCI
  • Best Experimental Documentary – Doc. Berlin
  • Expanded Media – Network Culture Award – Stuttgarter Filmwinter
  • Best Documentary Short Film – Brussels Independent Film Festival
  • Experimental Work Award 2023 – La Scam
  • Best Film of the Un Impulso Colectivo competition – D’A Film Festival Barcelona
  • Best Essay Film – Ghent Viewpoint Documentary Film Festival
  • Best Documentary Award – IndieLisboa
  • Best Short Documentary Film – Doc. Sydney
  • Best Short Film – FICDH Argentina
  • Finalist of the Ducato Contemporary Art Prize – Academy Category, Italy
  • Special Mention – Signs Award, Festival Signs of Night, Thailand
  • Best International Documentary – Festival Equinoxio, Colombia
  • Special Mention of the Jury – International Documentary Competition – Shorts Mexico, Mexico
  • Best Documentary Short Film – Amsterdam Independent Film Festival
  • Special Mention of the Young Award (Prix des Jeunes) – Escales Documentaires
  • Aesthetica Art Prize 2024 – Emerging Artist category, UK


  •  César of the Best Documentary Short Film 2024